Significant Figures, Measurement Tools
Significant figures in measurement
In a measurement, the significant figures include all the certain digits and one uncertain/estimated digit. Certain digits come from visible markings or readings on the measurement tool. An uncertain digit is a guess/estimate of where the measurement falls between the nearest graduations. Therefore, a tool with more graduations results in a measurement with more significant figures.
Some rules to count the number of significant figures:
- All non-zero digits (1-9) in a measurement are significant.
- Zeros that appear before the first non-zero digit in a number are called leading zeros. Leading zeros are not significant.
- Zeros that appear after the final non-zero digit in a number without a decimal point are not significant.
- Other zeros are significant.
- 1.759 has four significant figures.
- 0.0080 has two significant figures.
- 14400 has three significant figures.
Take a note of the measurement tools
Tools that are provided in this lab:
- Meter stick
- Tap measure
- Timer
- Spring
- Spring scale
- Digital scale
- Standard weight
- Ball
- PAScar
- Trail
- Thermometer
- Vernier caliper